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Sunflower in the Shadows


Meklit (Mic-let)

Erius (Eerie-us)

Eriusazal (Eerie-uz-ale)

Alius (A-lie-us)

Alaura (A-lore-a)

Ennaza (E-naaz-a)

Dazron (Dezz-ron)

Jafeki (Jaa-fee-key)

Muffa (Moo-fa)

Elpos (El-pose)

De’Mordia (De-more-de-a)

Tikara (Tee-car-aa)

Chimeriea (She-mar-iea)

Ozeth (O-zeth)

Urran (Oo-raan)

Drokadan (Dro-ka-den)

Vokuud (Voe-kood)

A'trox (A-trox)


Macaria (Ma-car-rhia)

Kalopasia (Kal-oop-sia)

Malefic (Mel-ef-ic)

Mortala (More-tal-a)

Dolent (Dole-yent)

Note: These words have been given a different pronunciation, but their definition remains the same.

Demric Translations

Videos of pronunciation of Demric words are available on Ambrosia's Tiktok, under the 'Learning Fantasy Language' playlist

Mich muÌŠpfuÌ€tsham ruÌŒb bup moi mate paÌ€t -  I understand she be your mate now

Ewiwpay poush zho  -  Ignorant little shit

uÌŒdh laÌŠb -  Inkfish

DaÌ€w shaÌŠkwiÌ€p  -  Ghost fungus

Jìk bush jÇ”p  -  Roast ham meat

Creamů mùdh låb zìl   -  Creamy barracuda stew

Pozh Zàg - Medicine Flower

Audi, Eriusazal. Exaudi causam meam - Hear, Eriusazal. Hear my cause

Thie - Fuck

Pa bů tåk ůtå. Tou můzhmou bìs màd - He will not accept this. Her soul must remain.

Heů - Hey

Mich pà zhàzů ůzh - I have a problem

Hidh, mich ůzh tåk iez tou - No, I have not eaten her

Bůk - Awful; Terrible

Boja pi -  Young one

Bach zhoi - Five Seasons

Pà how - A hut (booth)

Pà ka how - A private hut (booth)

Uawd - Dog

ChuÌŒs uÌŠzh taÌŠk zhuÌŠhu zhu - You must not go outside

Bìf - Uncle

VuÌŒkbik - Perfect

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