Sunflower in the Shadows
Meklit (Mic-let)
Erius (Eerie-us)
Eriusazal (Eerie-uz-ale)
Alius (A-lie-us)
Alaura (A-lore-a)
Ennaza (E-naaz-a)
Dazron (Dezz-ron)
Jafeki (Jaa-fee-key)
Muffa (Moo-fa)
Elpos (El-pose)
De’Mordia (De-more-de-a)
Tikara (Tee-car-aa)
Chimeriea (She-mar-iea)
Ozeth (O-zeth)
Urran (Oo-raan)
Drokadan (Dro-ka-den)
Vokuud (Voe-kood)
A'trox (A-trox)
Macaria (Ma-car-rhia)
Kalopasia (Kal-oop-sia)
Malefic (Mel-ef-ic)
Mortala (More-tal-a)
Dolent (Dole-yent)
Note: These words have been given a different pronunciation, but their definition remains the same.
Demric Translations
Videos of pronunciation of Demric words are available on Ambrosia's Tiktok, under the 'Learning Fantasy Language' playlist
Mich můpfùtsham rǔb bup moi mate pàt - I understand she be your mate now
Ewiwpay poush zho - Ignorant little shit
uÌŒdh laÌŠb - Inkfish
Dàw shåkwìp - Ghost fungus
Jìk bush jÇ”p - Roast ham meat
Creamů mùdh låb zìl - Creamy barracuda stew
Pozh Zàg - Medicine Flower
Audi, Eriusazal. Exaudi causam meam - Hear, Eriusazal. Hear my cause
Thie - Fuck
Pa bů tåk ůtå. Tou můzhmou bìs màd - He will not accept this. Her soul must remain.
Heů - Hey
Mich pà zhàzů ůzh - I have a problem
Hidh, mich ůzh tåk iez tou - No, I have not eaten her
Bůk - Awful; Terrible
Boja pi - Young one
Bach zhoi - Five Seasons
Pà how - A hut (booth)
Pà ka how - A private hut (booth)
Uawd - Dog
ChuÌŒs uÌŠzh taÌŠk zhuÌŠhu zhu - You must not go outside
Bìf - Uncle
VuÌŒkbik - Perfect
More to come...