Welcome to the Six Circles
In the beginning, it is said that creation sprang from three divine creatures, rightfully dubbed The Priestesses...
The Priestess of the Earth, Tikara. The Priestess of Spirit, De'mordia. And the Priestess of the Circles, Chimeriea...
Five serpents were plucked and chosen by each Priestess to reign over the newly crafted circles.
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any of the aesthetic pictures below except the map and Mina & Erius character art. All pictures were found on Pinterest. These are purely for visual representation.



The First Circle
â—¦Souls that had been blessed by any religion prior to death. -The Goddess of Blessed Death. The only place that is at peace
Many creatures that likens those of earth roam here. Only these creatures are much larger.
Claimed by Priest Ozeth.
The Second Circle
â—¦Souls who have accepted their fate. - The delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are
â—¦A land of hallucinations and dreams.
Claimed by Priest Urran
The Third Circle
â—¦Souls that died of supernatural causes. Causing harm, especially by supernatural means
â—¦Land overrun by mushrooms of many varieties. Some cause hallucinations, some heal, some bring on sleep, and some.... Kill.
Claimed by Priest Drokadan